HOI – Music we love Ep 1 – Kompoz Showcase #1 (Crossover episode HOI 35)

House of Imp - 35 - Collaboration Artworks
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kompoz – Favorite collaborations – #1


For December 2017, we picked a couple of great tracks produced by artists from kompoz.com.
This is the first of many more episodes featuring some of our favorite creations. There will be more independant music but also books and movies we simply can’t not talk about. This Kompoz showcase features two collaborations:

“Never Enough”

Written by
BillOnGuitar a.k.a Bill Barrett
with lyrics and vocals by
Wire-and-Wood a.k.a Mike Patterson.
Cory Frey,
Grumpy Grump,
SirWillyDS12 a.k.a Bill Smith.

Lyrics: Never Enough


Written by
Lyrics and vocals by
Fresh727 a.k.a Mika Greiner.

Lyrics: Relapse

Bill and Jen – Treating Imps right since…. Err.

House of Imp Episode 35 was:

Produced by Jenny K Brennan a.k.a JennyK. and Bill Babcock a.k.a sriracha.

House of Imp music by
Icarus machine – 2017.
Become a patron of House of Imp and Icarus Machine.
Listen to Icarus machine on Spottify.

Media hosted by Blubrry Media hosting.

Studio Chaotic and Sundered Records – 2017

House of Imp 35 – Featuring music we love – Kompoz Showcase #1

House of Imp - 35 - Collaboration Artworks
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kompoz – Favorite collaborations – #1


For December 2017, we picked a couple of great tracks produced by artists from kompoz.com.
This is the first of many more episodes featuring some of our favorite creations. There will be more independant music but also books and movies we simply can’t not talk about. This Kompoz showcase features two collaborations:

“Never Enough”

Written by
BillOnGuitar a.k.a Bill Barrett
with lyrics and vocals by
Wire-and-Wood a.k.a Mike Patterson.
Cory Frey,
Grumpy Grump,
SirWillyDS12 a.k.a Bill Smith.

Lyrics: Never Enough


Written by
Lyrics and vocals by
Fresh727 a.k.a Mika Greiner.

Lyrics: Relapse

Bill and Jen – Treating Imps right since…. Err.

House of Imp Episode 35 was:

Produced by Jenny K Brennan a.k.a JennyK. and Bill Babcock a.k.a sriracha.

House of Imp music by
Icarus machine – 2017.
Become a patron of House of Imp and Icarus Machine.
Listen to Icarus machine on Spottify.

Media hosted by Blubrry Media hosting.

Studio Chaotic and Sundered Records – 2017

House of Imp 34 – It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it. Hot reporting by Imp

Reading Time: < 1 minute

It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it – Job interview from the field.

Imp reports!


Hard questions and in-depth investigative digging with some serious journalism by our own Imp Himpcock, dealing with the tough issues under trying circumstances.
Hear it exlusively in the House of Imp Studios.

Due to unforseen events and a tragic mishap with our camera man Mr. Justn O’Treal, no images could be recovered for use in this report.

JennyK, Imp, and Bill – Straight to the point since 2017.

House of Imp 33 Perfectionism, publishing regret, and feedback diplomacy. A chat with guest Bill Babcock. Imp gets some great feedback.

I can't keep calm, I'm a perfectionist!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Perfectionism, publishing regret, feedback diplomacy.

Everything has to be perfect. Right?

Introducing Bill, who seem to have all his ducks in a row. Is that so?


In this episode

Imp is asking for feedback. That could have been a wise move, but it all depends on who you ask. 😀

For the first and and certainly not the last time, Bill joins me with his thoughts about the perfectionism that he is quite comfortable with and I handle with much more anxiety. We learn a bit about Bill and what he does other than playing guitar, producing and everything else except play bass and sing, in Icarus Machine. This prog-metal band was formed in 2015, consists of JennyK, Jordi Rebas, and Bill. The rest is, at least in our minds, history.

A learning experience

For me personally, this episode is teaching me things I really could have lived without worrying about. I’ve learned that I suck and can’t keep a sentence going without drifting off into non-thought. The interview part in this episode was a mental struggle and that is despite knowing Bill. My brain freezes and my thoughts scramble. We discarded our first recording. The second one was much better, shorter and slightly more “to the point”. But still, two perfectionists working together will always find something wrong and plenty of excuses for a retake.
So, a light shift in plan, and the third take…. Well. it gave me, if possible, even more anxiety than the first. We decided to use parts of the third to integrate in the second because there were some good moments captured there. However, that’s not quite what happened in the final editing.
What you are hearing is the result of lots of anxiety, even more editing, and a very patient and generous good friend, helping me while aggravating me when saying “You know what you’re doing.”

so enjoy my venture into stuff that scares me, and Bill’s first peek into the confusing world that is podcasting. …. 😀

Leave a comment on this page or by using the contact link. Let us know what you think, what could be better, what you would like to hear from us in the future.

Mentions in this episode

Icarus machine on Facebook

Icarus machine – Official website

Bill Babcock a.k.a Sriracha on Kompoz

Icarus machine on Reverbnation

Listen on Spottify

Update: The novel This Sundered World – A Mother’s Heart is no longer available. It has been withdrawn and is going through a considerable re-write.

Icarus machine on soundcloud
JennyK, Imp, and bill – Inducing confusion since 2017.

House of Imp is a production of Studio chaotic – 2017.
Music by Icarus machine and bill Babcock.
Produced by Jenny K Brennan.

Visit us on Facebook.

House of Imp 19 – Stepping back into podcast land — The difference a year makes — Icarus Machine, Mac, and the future

A Mother's Heart Book Cover
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Studio Chaotic tentative return – With music and news — And Imp


Here’s a slightly confusing and disjointed episode where I try to tie up over a year of JennyK.
Not possible, I know I didn’t do a great job on this one. But I just need to get my feet wet again and truth is; I’ve missed it. So take it for what it’s worth. Got some news and places to check out.


Check out “Wasted” – Video by jennyK.

Icarus Machine official page

Icarus Machine on Facebook

Become a patron of Icarus Machine

NaNoWriMo – Mother of Crow — The Novel page



The Flanger Perception – A music production snapshot from the making of “This Sundered World” by Icarus Machine

Beyond the iron gate. Painting.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The flanger perception

A music production snapshot from the making of “This Sundered World” by Icarus Machine. .

So there is this song. And there are these wave files that I created by yelling miserably into the microphone, because that is what the song warranted. So I was a bit intimate with the mic. It happens right? And the take turned out just how I wanted it. I didn’t really check the result in the file.

So that’s all fine and dandy. Files are sent to Bill. He puts them in place, sounds great.

Except for this little click I hear. It annoys me. Now, fast forward a few weeks when we go back and forth working on the mixes for this album – This Sundered World. Many things are redone and fixed, and straightened out. But that click is still there.

Bil: “Where? I can’t hear it.”

Fast forward some more. I’m ready to bite my fingers off.
Bill is ready to send me to the lunatic asylum. I’m hearing things all over the place.
Finally we get some other problems taken care of, everything is fine.

Except for that click. That damn click.

Bill: “Where? I still can’t hear anything.”


Bill: “Well, there is that tiny little click there. I thought it was part of the flanger.”


Bill: “Oh. What are the F-ing odds of that? It’s in the flanger. Shut that off and it’s gone.”

Me: “Ah.”

Bill: “the main shape of the flanger setting is rectangular
with no smoothness, it’s got a vertical transition across the waveform axis. All I did was change the shape of the flange and it’s fixed.”

At that point I glazed over and started thinking about other things. Not that I don’t understand it, but there is a reason I sing. I can be a tiresome pain in the ass and in the end Bill will fix the bad I create, and I don’t need to understand waveform politics.

Me: “So it wasn’t all my fault then?”

Bill: “Well, if you had been singing it differently…”

Me: “Blow me.”

So, In the end I’m not going to the asylum, although I’m certain that Bill will find more reasons to send the dreaded men in white to Ontario. But I can deal with that.
more importantly; I will check my files more often. And Bill will never again trust a flanger.

JennyK – From the dungeons of phase shifting and zero-crossings.