The House of Imp Intermittent Blog
JennyK and Audient. One of the better changes. 🙂 EVO 8 Offers ‘True Access’ To Blind Audio Producer
Reading Time: < 1 minuteEVO 8 Offers ‘True Access’ To Blind Audio Producer 25th September 2023 Jenny Brennan has worked her way through a few audio interfaces over the years. Using EVO 8 however has stopped her in her tracks. “Losing sight later in life, I’ve encountered so many situations that make me critical of the state of accessibility …
Blind people hate change!
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s something I hear often. And I agree. I think. Well, actually, it’s much more complicated than that. Change is bad. Until it’s not. Ah, there we go. How should I say this to not sound like an ass. Oh, never mind, can’t be done. I’ll just say it, It fucking depends! Hahahahha. Three words …
Install Reaper, Osara, and SWS on Mac running Voiceover – Step by step
Reading Time: 5 minutesHow to install Reaper, Osara, and SWS on Mac running Voiceover. If you find something incorrect throughout these instructions, please leave a comment or use the contact link at the top of this page. Thanks. – Downloads Let’s grab all the stuff we need. Download Reaper For the latest Reaper application, visit the page. …
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Have story, will code – Do I need another obsession? ? Interactive fiction calling – again. The ideas that won’t go away.
Reading Time: 3 minutesInteractive fiction – Another game? I wonder, as I so often do. : I sometimes get this uncomfortably sharp urge to write another epic Interactive Fiction game.. Several ideas sit and wait just a folder browse away. All I have to do is awaken that obsessive part of me and let it dominate. There’s just …
It’s okay to not be okay. Attitudes change, that’s great. But is it? Is the word Anxiety losing its meaning?
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s okay to not be okay It is isn’t it? Well, in one very important sense it is; it’s okay to not have it all together. Mental illness is something so many of us deal with and it’s the new normal to some degree. Not that it’s something people are comfortable talking about, but it’s …
When the hunt for accessible WordPress plugins makes me exhausted and frustration takes over the keyboard. A blind webmasters commentary
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen the hunt for accessible WordPress plugins makes me exhausted and frustration takes over the keyboard. A blind webmasters commentary There are great plugins. There are bad plugins. There are fantastic plugins. There are accessible plugins. And I quote from my latest encounter with one of those: It’s fantastic -according to the 5.0 rating and …

Do you thank your Alexa? Here’s why I think you should. – A reflection
Reading Time: 3 minutesDo you thank your Alexa? Here’s why I think you should.
So, you’ve got one of those. The Alexa, the Google assistant, the Cortana, the infamous Siri on your phone, tablet, computer, or of course that smart speaker sitting there on the counter listening.
Gutenberg editor in WordPress 5.0 – yeah, I gave it three minutes. Useless crap I can live without.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteCrap, I tell ya! I have but a few words to say about the new editor in WordPress’ latest update. Their new fancy editor has become cool and intuitive and modern and flexible…. errr, and totally fucking useless! If you like it, then I know that you are sighted. I am not. The accessibility that …

JennyK on writing – A moments reflection on creative writing reluctance.
Reading Time: 2 minutesjennyK on Writing A reflection on creative fiction and the funny thing that happens when the writer fights the story. The harder it tries to tell itself, the harder it is for me to hear it. Mother of Crow – Sundered World 2. That’s what I’m working on. Slowly, painfully, bit by bit, and scene …
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Cookie cutter blog farming? And instant reaction. Yuck!
Reading Time: 2 minutesArticle factories Now, there’s something about calling something a factory that really turns me cold. Yeah, I get that people want content and they want it fast. They want readable stuff that catch the interest of potential customers. And because it might take thousands of reads for just a few of those to ultimately spend …
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If I were a building – A bit of prose – A thought experiment
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf I were a building – A thought experiment. I would have cubby holes and symmetry. Flexibility and safety. I would be space age and dreamscape….

Focus, Girl, focus! On the slippery borderland between inspiration and desperation – Reflection on the todo list
Reading Time: 3 minutesFocus! Get at it. Rant time for JennyK — Again. 🙂 Feeling scattered, unfocused, restless. So much I want to do. But what? Which of the many things I want to do should I direct my attention to? O, what a first world problem. 🙂 But still, it’s something that unfortunately becomes bigger the more …

The validity of online bands – A band members perspective
Reading Time: 3 minutesThis virtual band – Is it real?” What does it mean to be an exclusively online band? There are probably as many answers to that as there are online bands currently online. 😀 But as always, I have my own take on it and and it is slightly troubled. It is a normal thing these …
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The Flanger Perception – A music production snapshot from the making of “This Sundered World” by Icarus Machine
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe flanger perception A music production snapshot from the making of “This Sundered World” by Icarus Machine. . So there is this song. And there are these wave files that I created by yelling miserably into the microphone, because that is what the song warranted. So I was a bit intimate with the mic. It …

The assumption entrapment – I assume, you assume, it’s assumed. Are we all asses? Or is it just me? 😀 – A reflection.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI assume you assume things You know what people say: Assume makes and ass out of you and me. So why do I assume shit? 😀 I dunno. Some of the things are just stupid mistakes such as assuming this video or that audio will work after I publish. Why? Well, it works for me. …

Sundered – Developing the game – From World building to conversation – Interactive Fiction Creation
Reading Time: 2 minutesSundered – The Game – idea. And abandoned creation An interactive not quite steampunk Interaction Play Sundered in your browser! (Opens in new window.) Well, I love the idea. I know I can make it fun and it has the potential to get huge and far too complicated. I seriously hate to abandon this project. …
JennyK and this sundered world – What’s happening?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s a new year. Now, let’s do it all again. And so much more. This is my first post on Studio Chaotic since July of last year and I have no good excuse for that. But it has been busy and many things have come my way that I will tell you all about. But …
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Editing is your friend – Bonus excerpt from “Shadowlands” Deciding whether it’s polishing a turd or purifying gold
Reading Time: 5 minutesEditing — Don’t wanna, don’t wanna don’t wanna. I suppose I should. ? I just started looking over a novel I’ve had lying around for a number of years now. It’s one of the few finished longer works I’ve written. But it needs editing. As I read over a couple of chapters I realize that …

Life is a work in progress. Why the rush to be done? A reflection.
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat’s the hurry? There’s a man in the area. He is obviously retired and spends most days adding rocks to a stone wall. This is all I know about this man; He builds this seemingly endless stone wall and I think to myself: “There is no way he will ever get done that wall.” Because …
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Submit is The point of no return. The introvert bloggers dilemma. Intentional blog 05
Reading Time: 5 minutesBreak the status quo before it breaks you. I’m not sure what’s worse, the dread before hitting that button for fear of being exposed as someone seeking attention or approval; or the realization that there is something wrong in what I just sent out to the world for all to see and judge. Or, the …
Reasons not to blog. Motivation drives the message. Here’s why that can get messy. — Intentional blogging 04
Reading Time: 5 minutesShould you really blog? There are many bloggers out there and so much great content. It’s huge. Basically, it is a new world and now is the time to be a part of it. The reasons to start a blog and let your voice be part of this global conversation, share your voice and views …
Don’t wait until it’s perfect. It never will be. Intentional blog 03
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf perfection is your goal, you wil wait forever. In other words; don’t do what I do. I had it in my mind to write something every day. Mostly to get into the habit of writing something every day and to make myself accountable for it. I would publish something. Not something quick and hurried. …
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Why blog? Continued weed whacking in search of specifics.
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhy blog – Continued. In my previous blog I talked about entering the intentional blogging challenge posted by Jeff Goins – Writer. I still ask myself the same questions and have the same doubts about my own purpose for blogging. My conclusion was that I needed to find my path and narrow the field where …
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Intentional blogging – I’m in. Just need to find the map, a compass, and a weed-eater
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe blog There is just so much; I don’t know where to start! And that is the problem in my mind. I hear that blogging is great for many reasons and I agree. But I have reservations and somehow I’m still wondering if I have anything to say. Let’s look at this issue a little …

Audio production tidbit – Tune the guitar here. The way I do it. Accessible and lazy
Reading Time: < 1 minuteTune that guitar by ear I do not like tuning guitars. I dislike guitar tuners even more. They are rarely if ever created for blind people. so I tune the damn thing by ear using this very file. Thought I’d share. Have fun playing. This is for basic tuning of E A D G B …
Audio production tidbit – Archived – Sonar for the blind – BypassBoost11 plugin window – fine-tune the inspector values
Reading Time: 4 minutesBoost 11 tip for the pedantic Boost 11 is a really great sounding Master bus compressor / limiter that comes with Cakewalk sonar. I use it in most every mix. it is not too drastic, is easy to set, and is one of few plugins I couldn’t be without in my productions. Mostly on the …
Do blind people have super senses – or just exceptional skills? A point of view!
Reading Time: 5 minutesDo Blind people actually have super senses? A glance at one point of view It is a very common and persistent idea; that blind people have super hearing and other enhanced senses. For example; a blind person will somehow, almost supernaturally, know you were talking about them. A blind person can, with a freaky uncanny …
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Audio production tidbit – Archived – Sonar for the blind- JSonar- Inspector- template plus bonus rantt
Reading Time: < 1 minuteTutorial – A quick look at Sonar, JSonar, and the inspector Updated! For some reason the audio for this episode is gone. I never even noticed. That’s just so ME. LOL. However, the audio boo is still around. And that was after all the point of this post. So enjoy this Boo from the past. …
There’s a wall between us — is it yours or mine? Sighted or not – A reflection on the disconnect.
Reading Time: 5 minutesThere is a wall between us. But are we really that different? The blind and sighted disconnect Can you see this? Good. I want you to read this. You can’t? Good. Because I want you to talk to the person above. Now, what is this? What would be the problem, you might ask yourself. Or …
A JennyK rant – I really don’t wanna, and that’s okay
Reading Time: 3 minutesLatest rant! I’ve been lazy with the ranting lately, i know. Things have been strange, scary, quite discouraging, and at the same time there has been a wake up call of sorts that gives me both hope and a huge kick in the arse. The rant this time is a bit confusing as i will …
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One last visit. Not fun. The death of
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe death of a website disjointed communications and shallow teasing in blinking little pictures. Now, right there in the listing. Then, gone I don’t know where. Rubbery threads, always pulling, drawing, joining. Now immediate, strong, hovering. Then, drawn, weary, snapping in the strain of distant almost but not quite strangers. community of theme, of wish, …
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Audio production tidbit – Archived – Select and delete, mute or automate – Quick look at Sonar 8x
Reading Time: < 1 minuteA quick look at Sonar, JSonar Select delete Updated so it works just in time to be archived. 😀
Audio production tidbit – Touching on Subtractive EQ
Reading Time: < 1 minuteSubtractive EQ — my 2012 revelation Cutting frequencies you don’t like instead of boosting those you do. Seems perfectly obvious to me now, but not too long ago I didn’t have a clue. [spacer size=20] Once I figured it out, I totally overdid it. Probably still do. Actually, I most certainly still do. But years …
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Audio production tidbit – The compressor – Beginners, have no fear.
Reading Time: 2 minutesCompression Compression has always been the big mystery for me personally, and many others. It’s one of those magical things that can both make a horrid sound amazing, and any sound utterly useless if used badly. There’s almost limitless resources these days to learn about it, and at times an article can make your head …
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Audio production tidbit – archived – Session drummer 3 scripts and more
Reading Time: < 1 minuteSession Drummer 3 Scripts, instructions, and tips and tricks, in a nice bundle for Sonar 8.5 users: Files are included for: AUTOHOTKEY Windoweyes Jaws Download the Session Drummer 3 scripts here. Scripts brought to you by Chris Bell For all your audio production needs and technology training, visit us at Affordable studio Services Member of …
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Headstuckuparseia – What is it and do we all have it? Read this and realize that it’s pandemic, epidemic, kronic, and incurable.
Reading Time: 2 minutesHeadstuckuparseia There are two types of Headstuckuparseia; type 1 and type 2 These two types are, however critically different, similar in the following: 1. A distorted persception of reality. 2. Heightened risk of alienation from society. Type 1 headstuckuparseia is, from the society’s point of view, the most damaging for the patients external appearance. It …

JennyK on Facebook – An-island-among-many-is-still-an-island – A reflection
Reading Time: 2 minutesSeems to me, the larger the ocean of web gets, the farther apart the islands of community drift.

Looking for needles – Navigating the online – A reflection.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWas there ever a pattern?
Did I have it all queued correctly at one point, or was that only what I was told?

What is the difference between a dummy and an idiot? A reflection.
Reading Time: 2 minutesReflection that has nothing to do with correct definitions. Honestly, it’s a rant. And a pointless one at that. 😀

On the grill – A bit of fun prose with a hint of weirdness to ponder.
Reading Time: 2 minutesOn the grill A bit of fun prose inspired by other fun prose. A bit of weirdness to ponder. By Jenny K Brennan . This is a page of constant confusion. In case you haven’t noticed I never quite know what I’m doing. but hey, it’s a space evolving,a mutation or two is part of …
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