House of Imp 31 – the change, the future, and a blast from the past – what’s happening in the House of Imp

Old destroyed house with the sunlight shining through the window
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Welcome to House of Imp – While we wait


In this update episode:

I’ll let you know what is going on, what will happen in November, and we’ll hear something from the not so distant podcast past. “XXX – Expectations” was one of my first productions with Imp. It is a rare clip that Imp doesn’t want anyone to hear. It’s probably the one where I first realized that I could have fun with this thing. this thing that is now House of Imp – Where normal is odd and weird is a virtue.

Delusional creativity allowed.

Imp is wondering why I do it; put myself through things I’m afraid of. and wy he someday will have to send me to the asylum.

So I’m taking the rest of October off to finish work on the website and to record episodes. Real life stuff is also gnawing at my heals. We will be back on November 1st with a guest and more of Imps own issues revealed.

Take care and while we wait: check out House of Imp – Podcast on Facebook..
Support House of Imp, the creation, the creators, or perhaps even Imp himself. Word has it that he needs new socks. – We really need you. and thanks.

comments, questions, and random thoughts? Use the contact page to let me know.

House of Imp – A Studio chaotic Production.

Music by Icarus Machine / Bill Babcock.

“XXX – Expectations” was first published in Studio chaotic Podcast Episode 3, 2012.

JennyK and Imp – Asking the wrong questions since 2010.

House of Imp 29 – Creepy fat cop and a little bit of thinking – Spoilt by Icarus machine

A woman picks up the road and changes direction
Reading Time: < 1 minute

29 – Creepy fat cop – the dangers of thinking – a time for change


Imp is a bit worried. Apparently I think too much and it could kill me.
this is a shorter episode for a reason. I am in the process of changing it up. I need a new name, new image, new intro, and a slightly different approach. The content will be more or less the sam. But I’ve grown tired of the name. “Studio chaotic” is the name of my studio as well as company -when I’m in need of a company name – but it’s not a name for a podcast. I don’t go into it much here. Just letting you know what’s going on. I’ll give myself a month to get stuff ready. Next episode, I’ll let you know how it goes.

But for now; enjoy “Spoilt” by Icarus machine, a rant and some thinking.

JennyK and Imp – Never quite right since 2010.

House of Imp 25 Crime and punishment – Imp on trial – Monologue after half a beer

Window with bars of a medieval building
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Crime and punishment – Imp on trial – Monologue after half a beer


Imp is in trouble again and in the second part Jenny gets all philosophical and shit.

In the House of Imp – JennyK and Imp does the time since 2010.

House of Imp 23 -The abandoned story – H. Impkock – The Brailler. A studio Chaotic and House of Imp mystery – Part 1,

A Perkins Braille writer
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Brailler – Part 1

A Studio chaotic and house of Imp Creation.

Sound Design JennyK – Inspiration and encouragement by Dave.

A few words of wisdom after the story – Listen carefully!

JennyK and Imp – Making it real since 2010.

House of Imp 22 – Any excuse for a new start – Stalling really – On video

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Stalling – But Imp really is allergic – Honest!


A bit of planning would be great.

This is a little bit of something for you while waiting for the upcoming “H impkock” story. Written by Imp. I noticed this past week that I had underestimated the time it would take to get our next Imp story ready. And I thought of a few more things so I’ll chat about that in this video.

It is pretty much self-explanatory so this is the end of this chatter.

I will note here though that I do plan on recording episodes ahead of time from now on. Random doesn’t quite do it for me anymore. 😀
I’m also considering setting up a page for the Studio Chaotic podcast – Any thoughts on that? Please let me know.

Jenny and Imp – In a handful of moments.


Find jenny on Facebook.
Like Studio Chaotic on Facebook.
Icarus Machine – The Band.
Icarus Machine on Facebook.

House of Imp 20 – A change of heart – A rant – The Imp – A podcast getting its shit together.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Studio Chaotic – Restarting – On schedule – What?

Yeah, i know it sounds incredible. But it’s true. This podcast escaped death by a fraction. Here’s me and Imp deciding the future. There’s a rant about why and a big thanks to one of my Podcast heroes.


Mentions and links:

Shoutout to Dave Jackson at
School of podcasting.

My home on the web – Studio Chaotic.

Icarus Machine – The band – Prog-metal storytelling.

Join our Patreon page here. For as little as $2 per month you get more than just a pre-release of one of our new tunes.
You also get our first album – This Sundered World. . Now that is a good deal.


The schedule:

To start with, Studio Chaotic will release episodes every second Friday starting tonight May 5th.

JennyK and Imp [ Still here – still talking nonsense – still seriously having too much fun. Saying

Embrace the crazy – All is well!

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